In­ter­na­tio­nal Vi­si­tors

In­ter­na­tio­nal Vi­si­tors

The easy way to Ger­man real estate pro­per­ties and in­ter­na­tio­nal real assets

Wealth­cap is one of Germany’s mar­ket lea­ders in investments in real assets. With over 35 ye­ars of in­vest­ment ex­per­ti­se, Wealth­cap has ac­cess to high qua­li­ty in­vest­ment op­por­tu­ni­ties in many at­trac­ti­ve as­set clas­ses and mar­kets that we trans­la­te into in­vest­ment of­fe­rings tail­o­red to in­di­vi­du­al in­vest­ment ob­jec­ti­ves.

Our busi­ness mo­del is ba­sed on two main pil­lars. First, di­rect real estate investments with a fo­cus on our Ger­man home mar­ket as well as in the US real estate mar­ket, both in dif­fe­rent seg­ments and with a deep in-house ex­per­ti­se and stra­te­gies that com­bi­ne sta­bi­li­ty and per­for­mance. Se­cond, in­ter­na­tio­nal va­lue-enhan­cing stra­te­gies in the as­set clas­ses Private Equity, Real Estate as well as In­fra­struc­tu­re that are de­ploy­ed with blue-chip fund ma­na­gers to con­s­truct well-di­ver­si­fied port­fo­li­os. We de­ve­lop in­vest­ment pro­ducts for private in­ves­tors and struc­tu­red so­lu­ti­ons for the par­ti­cu­lar re­qui­re­ments of in­sti­tu­tio­nal in­ves­tors. As a whol­ly-ow­ned sub­si­dia­ry of UniCre­dit Bank GmbH, Wealth­cap has ac­cess to the strong in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work of one of Europe’s lar­gest banks.

Ha­ving con­s­truc­ted num­e­rous in­vest­ment so­lu­ti­ons in the past and un­der the AIFMD sin­ce 2014 both in Ger­ma­ny and Lu­xem­bourg, Wealth­cap has the ne­ces­sa­ry ex­pe­ri­ence and ex­per­ti­se to be ac­ti­ve in a wide va­rie­ty of mar­kets and as­set clas­ses, while re­mai­ning nim­ble en­ough to ad­just to mar­ket de­ve­lo­p­ments and evol­ving cli­ent de­mand. The com­pe­tence nee­ded to con­ti­nu­al­ly de­li­ver well-per­forming in­vest­ment pro­ducts is just as im­portant as re­spon­ding to the re­qui­re­ments of our dif­fe­rent in­ves­tor groups from high net-worth private in­ves­tors to in­sti­tu­tio­nal in­ves­tors such as insu­rance com­pa­nies, pen­si­on funds, cor­po­ra­ti­ons or foun­da­ti­ons.

Wealth­cap pur­sues dif­fe­rent in­vest­ment stra­te­gies de­pen­ding on op­por­tu­ni­ties and the re­qui­re­ments of our in­ves­tors:

  • Ger­man Real Estate Investments are made available th­rough funds in the seg­ments of­fice, re­si­den­ti­al, mi­xed-use, re­tail and lo­gi­stics. With of­fers for in­sti­tu­tio­nal in­ves­tors usual­ly be­ing a pure-play in a cer­tain seg­ment or a bespo­ke in­di­vi­du­al so­lu­ti­on.
  • Port­folio so­lu­ti­ons co­ve­ring all al­ter­na­ti­ve as­set clas­ses are sui­ta­ble for a wide ran­ge of pri­ma­ri­ly private in­ves­tors who might only in­vest in one pro­duct. Such di­ver­si­fied al­ter­na­ti­ve as­set funds or se­con­da­ry mar­ket funds can be an in­tel­li­gent way to gain ent­ry into a wide ran­ge of real as­set in­vest­ment stra­te­gies. Investments in sin­gle as­set clas­ses such as real estate, private equity, air­craft, in­fra­struc­tu­re and re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy for private and in­sti­tu­tio­nal cli­ents. Such investments should be con­side­red an add-on to an exis­ting in­vest­ment port­folio. Cus­to­mi­sed so­lu­ti­ons for in­sti­tu­tio­nal in­ves­tors such as private pla­ce­ments or tail­o­red investments and struc­tu­ring. For the­se in­ves­tors Wealth­cap has al­re­a­dy struc­tu­red (AIFMD-) re­gu­la­ted Ger­ma­ny- and Lu­xem­burg-do­mic­i­led funds as well as se­cu­ri­tiza­ti­on so­lu­ti­ons.

Wealth­cap Fi­gu­res

Num­ber of Funds Is­sued


The­reof Private Pla­ce­ments


Num­ber of Funds dis­sol­ved


Assets un­der ma­nage­ment

more than 9.8 bn EUR

o/w AUM in Real Estate

6,1 bn EUR



as of Dec 31, 2023

Wealth­cap is a whol­ly-ow­ned sub­si­dia­ry of UniCre­dit Bank GmbH which has many ad­van­ta­ges for our part­ners and cli­ents:

  • Well known in our home mar­ket as a re­lia­ble and di­sci­pli­ned real estate in­ves­tor with a strong fi­nan­cial back­ground.
  • Ex­cel­lent re­pu­ta­ti­on and ac­cess to a bank’s re­se­arch, struc­tu­ring and risk func­tions to sup­port ex­cel­lence in tail­o­red in­ves­tors’ investments so­lu­ti­ons.
  • Com­pli­ance with UniCredit’s risk ma­nage­ment re­gu­la­ti­ons which pro­vi­des com­pe­ti­ti­ve ad­van­ta­ges for ex­am­p­le in fi­nan­cing.
  • An in­ter­na­tio­nal net­work wi­thin UniCre­dit helps iden­ti­fy mar­ket op­por­tu­ni­ties ear­ly.
  • UniCredit’s and Wealthcap’s high ser­vice stan­dards in­clude com­pre­hen­si­ve sup­port to our cus­to­mers from A to Z.

In­ter­na­tio­nal cont­acts


Wealth­cap Kapital­verwaltungs­gesellschaft mbH

Ba­va­ria­film­platz 8
D-82031 Grün­wald

Of­fice Mu­nich:
Ara­bel­la­stra­ße 12
81925 Mün­chen



Wealth­cap Ma­nage­ment, Inc.

3017 Bol­ling Way NE
At­lan­ta, GA 30305

Pho­ne: +1 678 383 4101


Wealth­cap Ca­na­di­an Ma­nage­ment Inc.

2 Blo­or Street West
Suite 700
To­ron­to ON M4W 3R1

Pho­ne: + 1 416 861 9200

Data Pro­tec­tion No­ti­ce